Ayurleaf Herbals -Hairgard Multi-Purpose Hair Care Treatment

Who doesn't love having long, beautiful tresses as after all hair style today makes a lot of difference to one's personality? But for those who are devoid of a good hair growth can avail the services of Hairgard, a legendary formula that can make the hair grow soft, black, long and lustrous.
Hairgard tackles the recurrence of dandruff and is helpful in providing bounce to the hair.
Hairgard Hair Care
The medication contains 6 special herbs for strengthening the roots of the hair. It prevents the recurrence of dandruff, graying, hair loss provides volume and bounce to lifeless, dull hair. The mixtures of natural herbs soothe the scalp and keep the hair strong and more manageable. The herbs are:
Brungraj (EcliptaAlba) 220 mg: Increase hair growth, stop premature graying, hair fall, rejuvenate memory, hair
BhumiAmla (PhylanthusNiruri) 220 mg: increases immunity, helpful in skin diseases like sunstrokes, sunburns, anemia, hypertension, frequent menstruation
AmlakiRasayan (EmblicaOfficinalis) 53.35 mg: strengthening the hair's root, helpful to pacify pitta, weight management, balance menstruation and reproductive area health of women
Trikatu (Ginger, Marich, Pepper) 3.35 mg: maintain blood circulation, metabolism, fight ovarian cancer, helpful in menstrual pain, stomach disorder
PravalPishti (Red Coral) 3.5 mg: helps in digestion and anemia, improves skin complexion and treat skin diseases,
Description: The supplement of herbs tackles the recurrence of dandruff, soothes the scalp, and provides volume and bounces to dull hair. This capsule is useful and naturally works, when the patient complains of dandruff, mental stress or other hair problems.
1) It makes the hair soft, rich and long.
2) It nourishes and protects the hair from regular damage.
3) Not only increase the volume of hair, also fight dandruff and hair fall
1 or 2 capsules per day as recommended by the physician along with the regular diet and exercise. The diet can be taken as per the dosha chart with the ideal weight depending on the age of the person.
This treatment should be taken under the advice of the Ayurveda doctor and pregnant ladies should consult before starting the course. Under the age of 14 years, kids are not allowed this medication. If there is any side effect please report it to the doctor and restart only under his supervision.
Along with a good diet and regular exercise, Hairgard should be taken Mostly, one or two capsules are recommended after meals.
Women should always take Hairgard only with consultations from the doctor, depending on their weight. Usually, the herb does not have a strong side-effect, but if in case it happens; one should stop its consumption and take advice of the doctor.
Benefits & Features
Hairgard not just makes the hair look bouncy and shiny but also works towards making them stronger from the root. Being a concoction of six special herbs, it also is useful in clearing and removing dandruff, prevents graying, and eliminates dullness. It also soothes the scalp and makes them manageable.
Six strong herbs used in Hairgard include Brungraj or Eclipta Alba, Bhumi Amla or Phylanthus Niruri, Amalki Rasayan or Emblica Officinalis, Trikatu or Ginger and Praval Pishti or Red Corals.
Apart from taking care of the hair, the medicine also helps in increasing immunity, and treating skin problems. It also helps women during menstruation when hormone levels sometimes go out of balance. Hairgard also has components that rejuvenate the body and boosts memory.
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