Ayurleaf Herbals Garcinia (Vrikshamla) - Weight Loss
Latin name: Garcinia cambogia (Guttiferae) Desr., G. gummi gutta (L.) Rob.
Sanskrit/Indian name: Vrikshamla, Kankusta
General information
Garcinia is an evergreen tree that grows in abundance in the Western Ghats of India and Goa. It is now a cultivated tree for its fruit which is highly sought after for its use as a potential fat burner. The herb has been used in traditional medicine for weight management. It also lowers lipid levels.
Active Ingredients
The most important compound in Garcinia is found it is rind. It is called Hydroxycitric acid or HCA. HCA is known to enhance the metabolism and subsequently aid fat loss. It also suppresses appetite and helps to maintain optimum body weight.
Used Of Vrikshamla
Rheumatism: Garcinia extracts are used for treating rheumatism and also for stomach disorders.
Anti-obesity: It contains HCA which prevents the production of fat and helps to maintain optimum weight. It is used as a fat loss agent and to treat obesity.
Ayurleaf Garcinia Combogia should be taken two capsules twice a day after meals.
Benefits & Features
1) Garcinia Combogia is said to pacify the vitiated vata and kapha and helps lower the indications of obesity, hypercholestremia, and diarrhea, colic in small babies, ulcers and inflammations.
2) Having a remarkable effect on a person's appetite, Garcinia Combogia balances the production of fatty acids in the liver and lowers the production of cholesterol levels, stopping further production of fat. It also enhances blood circulation and converts all the bad cholesterol into good cholesterol, keeping the heart fit and healthy. It also stops sugar from converting into fats and balances nutrition throughout the body.
3) Garcinia Combogia also affects both physicality and psychological mindset of a person. It helps to lower the appetite, but without stifling natural hunger. It reduces the mental and emotional addition to food, and brings general balance to eating patterns.
4) It also assists in digestion of fats.
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