Ayurleaf Herbals - Hedonzal Herbal Supplement For Piles Care
Ayurvedic Medicine For Piles
Piles or hemorrhoids are very common these days. For those indulging in an irregular diet and a sedentary lifestyle, occurrence of Piles is frequent and widespread. When veins around the rectum and anal opening begin to swell, the onset of piles begins. The ailment is known to be very painful and bleeding. Due to over straining, veins in the anal area start protruding out causing many other problems that include constipation. It also leads to a regular blood loss, anemia and extreme weakness.
Due to its painful condition, the patient of Piles is many times not able to sit properly and suffers from blood loss also. And apart from rendering pain, the ailment is also very complicated. Ayurvedic Medicine For Piles help curing piles, and Hedonzal capsules work best towards curing the disorder.
Hedonzal (Ayurvedic Medicine For Piles) is a collection of nine herbs that permanently cure and treat the condition of Piles. Suran or AmorphophallusCampanulatus, Limdo or MaliaAzadirachta Seeds, DaruHaldi or BerberisAsiatica, Sonamukhi or Cassia Angustifolia, Amlaki or PhylamthusEMblica, Kanchki or CaesalpeniaBonducella, Aritha or SapindusTrifoliatus, Baheda or TerminaliaBelerica and Harde or TerminaliaChebula form a wonderful concoction to cure piles. And apart from that, it also treats constipation and flatulence and improves and regulates the bowel movements. It also treats fistula, fissures and pains.
Ayurvedic Herbal Medicine Hedonzal, is Ayurleaf's answer to piles and hemorrhoids.
Hedonzal (Ayurvedic Medicine For Piles) should be consumed one or two capsules daily after meals with recommendations from the physician. But along with the medicine, one must take a regular diet and lead an active lifestyle.
Hedonzal (Ayurvedic Medicine For Piles) should never be taken in an empty stomach as it would not be effective against Piles. Pregnant women should always consult doctors before consuming the medicine and young kids should not be given Hedonzal at all.
Benefits & Features
1) Hedonzal is a collection of nine herbs that permanently cure and treat the condition of Piles.
2) Suran or Amorphophallus Campanulatus, Limdo or Malia Azadirachta Seeds,
3) Daru Haldi or Berberis Asiatica, Sonamukhi or Cassia Angustifolia, Amlaki or Phylamthus EMblica, Kanchki or Caesalpenia Bonducella, Aritha or Sapindus Trifoliatus, Baheda or Terminalia Belerica and Harde or Terminalia Chebula form a wonderful concoction to cure piles.
4) And apart from that, it also treats constipation and flatulence and improves and regulates the bowel movements.
5) It also treats fistula, fissures and pains.
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