Ayurleaf Herbals Karela (60 caps)

The bitter gourd or Karela is in many ways beneficial for human health. It has many vitamins an nutrients that keep the body healthy and vigorous. Karela is said to be the best remedy for those suffering from diabetes and piles.
Karela contains vitamins A, B and C along with minerals like calcium, phosphorous and potassium. It not just balances kapha but helps purifying blood and enhances digestion.
Also known as momordica charantia, Karela acts as agonist that improves insulin sensitivity. However, including Karela in daily diet for a long period significantly reduce glucose levels in blood and urine, as it has hypoglycemic actions.
In ayurveda, Karela is known for its pitta and kapha reducing properties; hence, it is very good for skin problems which are majorly caused by excess of pitta. It is also known as an anti-biotic, which heals the wounds faster and improves peristaltic movements in the body. For women, it is most beneficial as it cleanses the urinary tract, helping curb the urinary tract infection.
1) Karela improves the immune system in the body.
2) It works wonders for those suffering from Cholera. Several home remedies made from Karela can cure one of the water-borne disease instantly.
3) It eliminates skin ailments like psoriasis and infections like ring worms and athletes foot.
4) The Ayurveda wonder drug is also beneficial for the treatment of piles.
5) Karela has beta-carotene which is said to be advantageous for healthy eyes.
6) Karela stimulates pancreas and helps in food absorption.
7) It is also a good emetic, purgative and an anthelmintic for those suffering from jaundice.
Ayurleaf Karela should be taken two capsules twice a day after meals.
Karela contains insulin like polypeptide and hence is completely safe for long-term use as well.
Karela is purely a Ayurveda herb extract and is laghu(light) and ruksh(dry). Its taste is very pungent or bitter. Karela is also known as Bitter Melon or Bitter Gourd. It is used in maintaining normal blood sugar levels in men and helps to regulate their body functions. It is in a capsule form.
Kerala has lots of health benefits. Improves the functioning of the pancreas, liver and spleen, detoxifies and purifies the blood supply in the body. In obese males it helps in suppressing their appetite thus normalizing their digestive, urinary tract and skin related problems. Men who suffer from diabetes have shown excellent results after consuming Karela tablets. In India and China the leaves and fruits are used to make tea and soup.
1) Recommended as best alternative treatment for diabetes for males : The bitter gourd that is present in Karela acts as a stimulant on the pancreas which helps metabolize insulin levels. This helps in lowering the body's blood sugar level and also sensitivity of tissues towards insulin.
2) Improves the digestive system : A special quality of Karela is that it flushes out the parasitic infections present in the intestines. There is a considerable reduction on the inflammation in the intestines. Bowel movement is better.
3) Regularises the Urinary tract : Karela which is rich in laghu and ruksh helps toflush out the unwanted urinary stones that are present in the bladder. It improves the urine flow tremendously.
The Karela Leaf Capsules
The Botanical name of Karela is MomordicCharantia and the leaf is one of the richest sources of potassium. Natural Vitamin A & C are extracted from this leaf that helps regulate blood sugar levels and it is also a good fiber for maintaining diet.
The recommended Dosage is 1-2 capsules twice daily about 1 hour after meals. The tablet contains 500 mg. of standardized extract of Karela.
Momordicacharantia alias karela is a member of Cucurbitaceae (gourd) family. It is also known as bitter melon/ bitter gourd. The vegetable karela or bitter gourd or hairy mordicais especially useful in diabetesas it stimulates the Pancreas.It aids and supports the better regulation of blood glucose level and other important organs in the digestive tract as the liver and spleen.
Albeit, it is known for its bitter taste, Ayurveda has stroked its multiple remedial properties making it easily consumable and available capsule form for various health advantages.
Karela or bitter ground is a traditional Ayurveda herb commonly found in India and its subcontinent. It also found inother south Asian countries as Vietnam, and Thailand. This fruit is used as a vegetable and in making of lots of preparation in Indian cuisine.
Benefits of Karela
The workings of liver and spleen determine skin health,Karela benefits in skin inflammation. It is also useful in kidney stone. Karela is also suggested in breast cancer to minimize further expansion. karela is an excellent treatment of various types of skin related problems like acne, psoriasis etc. Being an appetizer, digestive, and purgative it is used in anorexia, loss of appetite, amadosha, and liver disorder.
Uses of Karela
1) Bitter melon helps in relieving from constipation.
2) This healthy gourd is also a blood purifier that is helpful in evading any type of infection in the body.
3) Karela also benefits in unhealthy cholesterol levels.
4) Bitter ground is beneficial in piles and hemorrhoids.
5) Karela is considered as a precious herb for de-worming and cleansing of gastro intestinal tract.
6) ThisAyurvedaherb has anti-bacterial properties. It is very effective in treatment of wounds and injuries.
7) Karela is helpful in females it provides comfort during menstrual disorders and problems.
8) Besides the above benefits, the Nutritional analysis reveals that bitter melon is rich in nutrients aspotassium, calcium, iron, beta-carotene, and vitamins B and C.
Side effects of Karela
No major side effect has been reported. Do not take during pregnancy.
Ayurleaf Karela should be taken two capsules twice a day after meals.
Benefits & Features
1) Karela improves the immune system in the body
2) It works wonders for those suffering from Cholera. Several home remedies made from Karela can cure one of the water-borne disease instantly
3) It eliminates skin ailments like psoriasis and infections like ring worms and athletes foot
4) The Ayurveda wonder drug is also beneficial for the treatment of piles
5) Karela has beta-carotene which is said to be advantageous for healthy eyes
6) Karela stimulates pancreas and helps in food absorption
7) It is also a good emetic, purgative and an anthelmintic for those suffering from jaundice
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